IWWF’s Most Updated Position On The Participation of Athletes from Russia and Belarus
The IWWF Bureau has reviewed the participation of athletes from Russia and Belarus and has decided to allow those athletes to register and compete under the IWWF flag, for the duration of the war in Ukraine, in ALL IWWF events including IWWF World & Confederation Titled Events subject to the following conditions:
- Athletes will participate only as individuals and will in no way represent their respective countries or federations.
- Athletes must refrain from publicly showing support for the conflict in Ukraine.
- Athletes are not authorised to act or speak on behalf of the IWWF, claim any financial support from the IWWF, or claim any other affiliation or status with the IWWF.
Athletes will be required to apply individually and in writing by submitting an application form.
In case of any infringements, the application by the athlete to participate under the IWWF flag will be reviewed by the IWWF Bureau and the approval could be revoked immediately.
The IWWF will continue not to sanction any events held in Russia or Belarus.
Please click the link here to read more about the process, conditions, information, and application form to compete in all IWWF events.
IWWF’s Most Updated Position On The Participation of Athletes from Russia and Belarus – IWWF